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III Rio International Workshop on Advances in Competition Policy Analysis

The Competition and Regulation European Summer School and Conference (CRESSE) and the Research Group in Law, Economics and Competition of the Institute of Economics – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (GDEC/IE/UFRJ) are organizing the III Rio International Workshop on Advances in Competition Policy Analysis.  The goal of the workshop is to bring together academics, policy makers and other practitioners specializing in the area of competition economics and policy to discuss the recent advances in the area.

Rio de Janeiro, 25-26 November 2024


II Jornada de Regulação e Concorrência (II Conference on Regulation and Competition)

Held in partnership with IBRAC, Insper and GDEC-IE-UFRJ, the II Conference on Regulation and Competition aims to broaden and deepen the discussion on relevant topics of regulation and competition policy, with presentations and debate of research and academic papers by researchers from area and theses in development.  

Date | August 16 and 17, 2021

Opening hours | 09:00 - 12:00

Online Event


II Rio International Workshop on Advances in Competition Policy Analysis

The Competition and Regulation European Summer School and Conference (CRESSE) and the Research Group in Law, Economics and Competition of the Institute of Economics – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (GDEC/IE/UFRJ) are organizing the II Rio International Workshop in Advances in Competition Policy Analysis.  The goal of the workshop is to bring together academics, policy makers and other practitioners specializing in the area of competition economics and policy to discuss the recent advances in the area.  

Rio de Janeiro, December 5 and 6, 2019


I Jornada em Regulação e Concorrência (I Conference on Regulation and Competition)

Held in partnership with IBRAC, Insper and GDEC-IE-UFRJ, the event aims to broaden and deepen the discussion on relevant topics of regulation and competition policy. with presentations and debate of research and academic articles in development.

Date | June 14, 2019

Opening hours | 14:00 - 18:45

Location | Insper – R. Quatá, 300 - Vila Olímpia, São Paulo


International Seminar of Regulation and Competition in Historical Perspective - Comparing Brazil and Europe

It will be hosted by the Research Group of Law, Economics and Competition at the Institute of Economics- UFRJ with entre Roland Mousnier, Sorbonne University Paris IV. Public includes international scholars, students, but also general public and Brazilian press.

Date: August 17-18, 2017

Location: Institute of Economics - room 102


CRESS- Gdec | International Workshop on Advances in Competition Policy

Competition and Regulation European Summer School ( CRESSE ) and Gdec are organizing the International Workshop in Advances in Competition Policy Analysis.  The goal of the workshop is to bring together academics, policy makers and other practitioners specializing in the area of competition economics and policy to discuss the recent advances in the area.  

  Rio de Janeiro, November 6, 2017  


Research Seminar of the PPGE/Institute of Economics/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Camila C. Pires Alves will present her paper: "Economic Evidences and Antitrust Policy: challenges and institutional solutions"  5 years of the New Law for the Defense of Competition  Gdec Seminar - 5 years of the New Law for the Defense of Competition: lessons learned and challenges , with the participation of Vinicius Marques de Carvalho, former President of CADE, João Paulo Resende, comissioner of CADE, and members of Gdec. Open event with limited space. Applications open until the 22/05/2017. To sign up, send email to .

Date: May 26, 2017 from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Location: Institute of Economics - room 102

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