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International Seminar of Regulation and Competition in Historical Perspective

First pre-conference for the World Economic Congress Boston 2018

Organizado pelo Gdec/Instituto de Economia e Sorbonne-Paris IV

Address: Instituto de Economia/UFRJ. Av. Pasteur 250, Sala 102, Urca – CEP: 22.290-240


Contact :+55 21 3938-5242/5243.

Evento aberto com vagas limitadas. Enviar e-mail com o título Gdec-ParisIV.

Program Schedule


August 17, 9:30hs - 12:30hs –  Session 1: Long-term perspective on Competition and Regulation


  • Paper 1: Antitrust and Competition Policy in Brazil

Speaker: Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro - IE/UFRJ

  • Paper 2: The model of French Concession

Speaker: Dominique BARJOT - Sorbonne-Paris IV

  • Paper 3: 20 anos de regulação de energia no Brasil: avanços e desafios

Speaker: Helder Queiroz Pinto Jr - IE/UFRJ


August 17, 12:30 – 14:30 hs - LUNCH



August 17, 15hs - 18hs – Session 2: Market and Sectorial Studies in Historical Perspective


  • Paper 1: Competitive dynamic and Market structure in distance and online undergraduate university courses: implications for antitrust policy

Speaker: João Luiz Pondé- IE/UFRJ

  • Paper 2: A Short Economic History of the TV industry in Brazil

Speaker: Luiz Carlos Delorme Prado - IE/UFRJ

  • Paper 3: The cement market during the 20th century: between cartels and regulation

Speaker: Cecile Couseras-Jaff - Sorbonne-Paris IV

  • Paper 4: The competition for mineral resources and industry consolidation in beginning of the 21st century

Speaker: Hildete de Moraes Vodopives - Sorbonne-Paris IV


August 18, 09:30 – 11:30 - Session 3: Evolution of methods and analysis in regulation


  • Paper 1: Direito e Economia na análise de condutas anticompetitivas no Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência

Speaker: Maria Tereza Leopardi Mello - IE/UFRJ

  • Paper 2:Quantitative methods in merger analysis effects: the Brazilian experience in the last 10 years

Speaker: Camila C. Pires Alves - IE/UFRJ


August 18, 11:30 – 13:00 - Bilateral Meeting (GDEC-IE-UFRJ and Paris IV)- Research Agenda [closed section]


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As fotografias foram gentilmente cedidas pela Prof. Maria Tereza Leopardi

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